Ideas For Tackling Creative Block

Estimated time to read - under 3 minutes

There are times when I do not feel like creating. Times when I feel uninspired and cannot get started on anything.  And even though I have a list of ideas that I add to whenever I think  ‘Oh, that would be a good idea for a mosaic’, none of them seem to get those creative juices flowing. 

But this feeling of not knowing where to start is not unfamiliar.  In fact I’m sure you’ll have experienced some kind of creative block at some stage. That feeling where nothing really inspires you and you don’t know where to start.

So today let’s look at some ways to deal with that. Here are three different things that I sometimes try to get myself back into creative mode!

Option 1. Do something completely different

Trying to force yourself to create or come up with an idea can often have the opposite effect and you just draw a blank. Sometimes the best thing to do is to switch off and do something else entirely.  

When I am feeling uninspired I usually head out for a walk. In fact I have some of my best ideas when I am out walking. There’s a lot to be said for giving the brain a chance to just wander, to work through ideas or process things without any pressure. 

Of course, you might not actually come up with any inspiration at all, but at least you’ll have achieved something else in the meantime - whether that’s having some exercise, doing some housework or whatever task you chose to do instead! 

Option 2. Do something different but kind of related

For me this often means preparing materials. I might split some slate, or chop up some stone on my hammer and hardie. Not only am I working with the materials which might spark some ideas, but the rhythm of cutting can be relaxing, allowing my mind to wander and perhaps come up with some ideas. If not, I'll have plenty of materials ready for my next project.

Tidying my studio can serve a similar purpose. Given the current state of my studio the chances of discovering some materials I’d forgotten about are pretty high!  

But even the act of looking at, touching and thinking about materials can be useful. Not only to remind yourself what is there, but sometimes the materials themselves can be a source of inspiration.

Slate materials including chips of different sizes, colours and slate rods

Both these options basically involve trying to switch your brain off a bit to let the creative part come through, but option 3 is a bit different, and possibly one of the most useful.

Option 3. Do something small. 

You might not feel like working on that big project or be in the mood to create something where the finished piece has got to look good, but you can still play!

Grab a few materials and work on something small, where the focus is on the process, not the outcome. The process of making mosaics can be relaxing or meditative, and again, that in itself can free space in your brain for it to start thinking more creatively!

And the thing is, ideas often come from the process itself. The act of making something can stimulate thoughts and ideas about new directions you can take. The 'what ifs' that occur to you as you work can trigger ideas.  

Sometimes though, when I feel uninspired, I know it is just caused by being physically tired. Being creative and being tired are two states that do not coexist well together. So if you are feeling tired and run down, sometimes the best thing to do is to have a good sleep! Let your brain and body rest and come back to things when you are feeling fresher. 

I guess the key thing is to remember that lack of creativity affects us all, and hopefully this has given you a few ideas of things to try if you are feeling a bit tired or lacking in inspiration. 

What do you find helps when you are feeling uninspired? Let me know in the comments. 

This blog post was adapted from one of my weekly emails. If you have enjoyed reading it and would like to receive similar posts direct to your inbox, you can subscribe to my mailing list using the form at the bottom of the page.


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